Liens santé & généralistes (en anglais) conseillés par Piroska Bisits Bullen (responsable de programme santé au Malawi avec Inter Aide en 2014):
- International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
- USAID Development Experience Clearinghous (DEC)
- The Cochrane Collaboration
- Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
- Givewell
- Knowledge Success
- Admitting Failure
« The main reason I find these sites useful is that they contain information about which types of interventions work, and which do not work (and the evidence to show this is the case). I find this information more useful than just having tools and resources for running programs. I also refer to relevant international organization websites (WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, etc) frequently.
I recently started writing my own development blog with practical tips / tools for people working in the field ( so I also find a lot of information when I am researching those blog posts.
Most of the websites in the previous list are relevant for all development topics. In addition to these websites I have also completed many free online courses that cover different development topics. I did write a blog post recently describing my favorite ones. You can read it here: