Gravity flow network management, the example of Gocho-Zebo (Kindo Didaye) – Akalu Kassa & François Bourgois, Inter Aide 2011
On the different Watsan projects’ Inter Aide implements in different areas of Ethiopia, many gravity flow systems were built to provide water to several communities from the same line. When there are more than 5 water points (or 5 communities supplied), the system management becomes complex and usually requires a specific organisation. In 2010, in the Woreda of Kindo Didaye, a relatively important network was builed with a total of 3 springs capped, 17 water points and more than 8,500 users. A lot of work had to be done, with the communities and the Woreda Water Office, in order to define and organize the network management.
This document presents key organisational systems that have been implemented and that contribute to sustain mediym to large water supply systems using gravity flow. Although each system is unique and requires its proper management, which has to be designed and appropriated by the actors involved, the experience of Gocho Zebo provides interesting elements that can contribute and inspire other communities.