This note is part of a serie of several notes on springs.
3.1.1 Spring catchment, example of construction by aquifer drawdown.
Every spring is unique and the construction of a spring catchment needs to be adapted to the site configuration, geology, the way it comes out of the ground, site topography, etc. This practical note summarizes the main important principles to have in mind in order to construct efficiently a spring catchment : preliminaries studies, characterization of the basin, excavation (going close to the emergence), building sustainable spring boxes, creating a protected area in the surroundings…
Damien du Portal – Inter Aide 1998
Translation by Translators without Borders – note referenced by the PS-Eau since 2003.
Refer also to the notes related to water supply,
As well as the following note: Généralités sur les préalables et l’organisation d’un chantier d’adduction gravitaire : check-list (in french)