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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Awareness and sensitisation
Spring catchments and gravity networks
Wells, boreholes and pumps
Water treatment, quality and analysis
Water services and maintenance
External evaluations
Training and agricultural extension
Agricultural practices
Seeds and planting material
Livestock and storage
Food processing and value chains
Natural resources management
Farmers’ organisation and services
Irrigation and lowlands
External evaluations
Child health
Reproductive health, maternal health
Major endemic diseases control
Micro health insurance and social protection
Community health
Early childhood and preschool education
Primary education, school support
Schools building
Children and Youth workshops
Micro credit and entrepreneurship
Savings and budgeting
Vocational training and access to employment
Micro health insurance and social protection
Social Workers Trainings
Family, social and psychosocial support
Adult Workshop
Children and Youth workshops
Solar energy
Capacity building
Training & Management
Capacity building of local partners
Human resources management
Accounting and financial management
Logistics & IT
Interculturality, Gender, Urbanization
Tools for Knowledge Management
Tools for Monitoring & Evaluation
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Capacity Building
Interculturality / Gender / Urbanization
Interculturality, Gender, Urbanization
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Network introduction
Network members and partners
Advanced search
Contact form
Legal notice
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Awareness and sensitisation
Spring catchments and gravity networks
Wells, boreholes and pumps
Water treatment, quality and analysis
Water services and maintenance
External evaluations
Training and agricultural extension
Agricultural practices
Seeds and planting material
Livestock and storage
Food processing and value chains
Natural resources management
Farmers’ organisation and services
Irrigation and lowlands
External evaluations
Child health
Reproductive health, maternal health
Major endemic diseases control
Micro health insurance and social protection
Community health
Early childhood and preschool education
Primary education, school support
Schools building
Children and Youth workshops
Micro credit and entrepreneurship
Savings and budgeting
Vocational training and access to employment
Micro health insurance and social protection
Social Workers Trainings
Family, social and psychosocial support
Adult Workshop
Children and Youth workshops
Solar energy
Capacity building
Training & Management
Capacity building of local partners
Human resources management
Accounting and financial management
Logistics & IT
Interculturality, Gender, Urbanization
Tools for Knowledge Management
Tools for Monitoring & Evaluation