This manual has been developped in Sierra Leone to provide guidelines for the creation and training of water points committees in charge of the management of water points equipped with hand pumps.
– Notes and tools developed by Anne-Laure Sablé, Inter Aide -September 2014.
Images used in the manual and for the training are directly extracted from tools developed by ANTEA in a project in Mali and that can be downloaded from pS-Eau website: www.pseau.org/outils/organismes/organisme_detail.php?org_organisme_id=4374&l=fr
The first document is a note that explain the objectives of this training and how it has to be conducted.
The manual itself describes in details each steps and the contents of the message that will be delivered : how to train the whole committee, how to implement role play for the people to be in situation, as well as sepcific modules for secretary and pump caretaker…The posters and images used during the training are also in link.
cf. also www.interaide.org/watsan/sl