Memento for water microbiological tests using Del Agua Kit.
The DelAgua kit is a portable incubator with filtration kit and culture media dedicated for the counting of fecal coliforms (Inter Aide is also using other similar kits – Wagtech potakit).
The fecal coliforms (British : faecal coliforms) and E. coli are bacteria part of total coliforms and are the only members of this group which can be found in human or animal feces. Therefore they can be used as an indicator of fecal contamination of the water and possible of possible pathogens. These coliforms are able to grow at 44°C while it is not possible for other non-fecal strains. The main fecal coliform bacteria are Escherichia Coli (E. Coli).
This note is complementary to the kits users’ manuals: Del Agua. Videos for each step can also be watched on their website.
Loic Jaffro, Inter Aide Sierra Leone, janvier 2010